Dwyn Tomlinson

Dwyn Tomlinson fell in love with a working dog over 20 years ago – and got sucked into the sport of IGP as a result. She says that “you always get the dog that takes you to places you didn't know you could go.” She achieved a SchH1 title with her first dog, Abby SchH 1.
Her second dog, Nasti Adam aka “The Dude” got his IPO 2 – 2012 IPO2 Ontario Regional Champion.
She achieved multiple IPO 3s with Buffy vom Bergblick, - getting her IPO1 and her IPO2 just two weeks apart, just either side of Buffy's 3rd birthday.
In the spring of 2019, Buffy took some time out to have a litter of puppies. Dwyn is now working one of those puppies, High Impact Andie with the goal of titling to IGP3. Buffy is semi-retired, does demos, and continues to train helpers.
In 2024 - High Impact Andie earned her IGP1, 2, and 3. She scored a very respectable 95 in tracking for her IGP3.